Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dogs vs. Pets

The dogs that I paint purely for my own enjoyment have a quality that's difficult to achieve when doing dogs-or other animals-for other people.  With commissions I tend to tighten up.  I want the dog to look like their pet.  I have certain colors that I've been asked to incorporate.  There is a size limitation.  All of the sudden it becomes a challenge to be spontaneous.  In the end I have a painting that the client is very happy with and that is, with commissions, the desired result.  The above dogs were painted pretty quickly and done right after a few pet portraits.  Needing to prove to myself again that I could do this stress-free and with some abandon, I am pretty happy with the way they turned out.


  1. Mary, these are great! I love the personality of "your dogs", and the text you include...makes me feel like I get a little insight into what fun things are going on inside your head while you're making these - thanks for sharing yourself through your work!

  2. F.A.B.
    Just make me happy to look at them.
    Love your palette, the pug is amazin but i like especially the one that looks like a polar bear.
    Maybe he is a samoyed? My spelling is atrocious, but don't hold it against me!

    1. it's called a hokaido--a japanese breed. thank you!
